Monday, March 14, 2011

Social Networks continue to take control

What Blogging the Political  attempted to study throughout the course of an entire book Joe Trippi stated in a few clear words

Speaking at the South by Southwest Interactive conference about how social media continues to transform politics and campaigns, the consultant behind Howard Dean’s Web-centric 2004 bid had some choice words for Team Obama heading into next year’s election. He said some underdog candidate is going to seize on social media tools in ways that no one has even thought of.
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Trippi like Pole realizes the power of technology and how much of an influence it can have on politics. One of the questions that Pole raises in the beginning of her book is just how much of an influence blogging had on the recent presidential elections. Clearly he believes that blogging did in fact have an influence and will have even more of an effect in the future.

“There's going to be a moment, and it could be in 2012 – you know for my party’s sake, I hope it's in 2016 – but some independent candidate is gonna just come out of nowhere and raise a billion dollars on the Internet, saying ‘screw both these parties, it's you and me baby, let's go change this thing.’”
Trippi predicted this would have a radical impact on politics, as we know it. “It will be the end of the two parties,” Trippi said.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder about Trippi's claim. We're going to look at his messianism on this subject when we get to the section of the class on new media.
