Media matters, a liberal group which was originally meant to be a media critic has virtually removed its attention from every news source it covered in the past and is now focusing its efforts exclusively on fox news. The group's founder David Brock described it as an all-out campaign of “guerrilla warfare and sabotage.” The first question that came to my mind was WHY?! According to politico, the shift reflects the centrality of the cable channel to the contemporary conservative movement, as well as the loathing it inspires among liberals- especially those running this group. Media matters is investing a whopping 10 million dollars a year for the sole purpose of challenging the factual claims of the channel and attempting to prevent them from reaching the mainstream media." This organization has put its resources into lassembling a legal team to help people who have clashed with Fox to file lawsuits for defamation, invasion of privacy or other causes. And it has hired two experienced reporters, Joe Strupp and Alexander Zaitchik, to dig into Fox’s operation to help assemble a book on the network, just to name a few. Fox has retaliated by poking fun of the group in its various shows.
In some views, the war between Media Matters and Fox is not, necessarily, bad for either side. Media Matters has transformed itself into a pillar of the progressive movement with its aggressive new brand of media campaigning. And the attacks cement Fox’s status on the right. “Fox is happy about it — and it makes their position more vivid among their supporters,” said Paul Levinson, a media studies professor at Fordham University. “One way of keeping your core supporters happy is to be attacked by people your core supporters don’t like.”
When we spoke about media bias in class the idea of having a group actually try to make a news station unbiased didn’t seem realistic in the slightest. Surprisingly enough Media matters has exactly that mission and it looks like it will not relent.
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